Sunday 26 August 2012

Website Overhaul and New Projects

Not posted for a while.. 8 months.. Have given my website a complete re-design along with past projects. Work has either been re-visited or binned. At the moment it is not up but looking to go live with it in the next 2 months. I feel I need to have a good amount of work to view before it is worth putting up. 

Over the past year I have learnt a lot about CSS, HTML 5 and other code in general. So the new website is a massive improvement from the first attempt. Looking back now the first attempt was pretty much a messy piece of sh#t. 

Work wise I have just finished a 16 minute animation for Nuclear Energy. Keeping something going for 16 minutes was a challenge but has greatly improved my way of telling a story.

Anyway below are a few images of some new versions of past work which you can see if you scroll back a year. Currently working on my Cosmopolitan Cocktail Video which has now been re-made in 3DSMAX. I have used Cell Shading to create a friendly and colourful video. It is still in testing at the moment but looking to have it complete within the next month. 

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