Friday 18 March 2011

Website Project

After 2 years I finally bought my website. . I have realised that it is pretty much a must have in this line of work as well as putting myself out there in to the world. I am now allocating my time wisely rather than just dossing about on the Xbox or falling asleep after work... as good as that was it does become a boring and sad routine. Tho I recommend Batman AA it is amazing. 

This website will take a lot of planning, branding and a major "raking out" of my old work. It will have the potential to lead to new things as you never know who will see it. This site will show all work I have done over the past 2 years and work currently being created. In time this will show the absolute best work I can do ranging from:

  • 3D - Still and Animated
  • Graphics - Still and Animated
  • After Effects - Graphic and Video combined
  • Flash - Cartoons

Right now I am currently making a Under Construction still image. I am not being too precious with it but feel I need to have something up seeing as it has been paid for. It is in very early stages but this is what I have came up with so far after an hours work. It is not clear what is going on yet but thought I would post this anyway.

Next is to start remembering how to use Dreamweaver... because I have forgot nearly everything.

That is all for this week.

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